


DiffSimViz (Diffusion Simulator Visualizer) will be a python toolbox with the aim of providing intuitive visualizations of particle diffusion in different media/microstructure. This will ideally include an interface to choose particular media to visualize diffusion within as well as to change parameters such as diffusion time and membrane permeability. The use of such a visualizer will be didactic or for researchers to better understand what their diffusion MRI signal might look like in particular microstructural environments.

Bradley Karat (@Bradley-Karat)


What happens in the brain stem when we move our eyes? And how can fMRI show us regions that control eye movements in different directions? FunctionalSight will allow researchers to (1) use eye tracking data to get components of eye movements and (2) regress these eye movement components into high-resolution fMRI data to understand how the brain stem controls the eyes. We will dive into high-resolution fMRI data acquired at Western and combine it with in-scanner eye tracking data to build a model that can show us the neural signatures of eye movements. Researchers will be able to use the model for their own eye tracking and fMRI data to better understand the neural basis of visual perception attention or reading. A guaranteed eye opening experience!

David Mekhaiel (@DavidMekhaiel)

BrainLex: Engaging Neuroscience Glossary

Navigating through neuroscience can be challenging as there are lots of complex terms to reference. BrainLex aims to solve this problem with an interactive online glossary suitable for all learners. Users can look up neuroscience terms and receive simple definitions visuals and links to related resources.

Parsa Abadi (@parsaabadi)


CiftiPy is a Python library designed to streamline the handling of complex CIFTI files used in neuroimaging research. CIFTI files represent gray matter as cortical surface vertices and subcortical volumes which often are difficult and time consuming to access and manipulate. CiftiPy simplifies this process providing an intuitive numpy-like interface for loading manipulating or creating CIFTI files. Built on top of the established Nibabel library, CiftiPy offers researchers a powerful yet user-friendly solution for working with CIFTI files enhancing the accessibility of advanced neuroimaging tools and workflows.

Mohamed Yousif (@myousif9)